Master your Metabolism...just started it and oh my there is a lot to be concerned about in our foods?cleaning supplies/cosmetics/air. Chemicals, Chemical and more chemicals.
I used to think all that organic crap was for those greenies out I find myself becoming one of them. Now I just want to feel better and stop poisoning myself. In the last year I've been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. A few years ago hypertension. So this is what I get for the last 24 years of eating horrible and sitting on my ass. Not to mention the 228 pounds I lug around with me now. FaceBook is a wonderful tool, I have reconnected with friends of mine and of Scott's from years ago. One of them, Mark, said to me in a message "If you do what you've always done, then you'll have what you always get". I filed that in the back of my mind for a while then started to think about all of that. I may not get colonics done anytime soon but (butt? ha) I am changing things. No more diet coke, no more soda period. I may partake once in a blue moon but for now they are no longer on the shopping list. High Fructose Corn Syrup...anyone see those BS commercials that the HFCS Industry put out? Saying it was the same as sugar...chemically it is not. The corn industry is outta control. It's in everything processed. I am learning a lot lately. Now...Whole Foods will be getting a chunk or change from our household...Publix has Greewise items...Trader Joe's is in Nashville now. I have options. Gosh, did you know anything you put on your skin is like eating it? So a face cream laden in nasty chemicals is like injesting it. Makes you think twice. This is going to be a journey. I already am feeling better somewhat from not drinking the diet drinks. I still have splenda once a day in my latte and am intergrating Truvia as well. Check back ... I think I will have lots more to say on all this...
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