Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hello Spring!

Spring is beginning to to speak! The Bradford Pear trees are starting with their pretty white blooms. Ah my allergies have gotten a little spike as well. That's ok though, 'cause this too will pass. My church's Easter Egg Hunt is this Saturday!
HPC EASTER EGG-STRAVAGANZA! - This Saturday, March 22nd, 1-3pm - For kids of all ages. There will be thousands of eggs, an obstacle course, castle bounce, train ride, face painting, egg decorating and more!!! Tell your friends & family . . . don't miss out on this awesome event!
Ok, so now I told you! Scott and I will be doing the HPC Cappa-Latte Cafe so you gotta go! for directions and info. Check it out if you are looking for a church! I highly recommend it! We drive 52 miles round trip to go there, so how's that for a "testimony". Others drive just as far or even further as well. I guess that is it for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time making the espresso's, but dang that wind!